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10 surprising facts about Microsoft


10 surprising facts about Microsoft

Microsoft was founded in New Mexico

Although  Microsoft is associated primarily with Redmond (Washington), where it has its headquarters. In fact, it was founded on April 4, 1975, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Redmond became headquarters in 1986.

Most visited photo in history

The default desktop background in  Windows XP is by far the most viewed photograph in history.

It was taken by Charles Oreira in 1996 in Sonoma County, California. The photographer sold it for a small amount, and Microsoft used it as desktop wallpaper in the operating system, which after the premiere captured about 90% of the global market share.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising for Windows 95

Windows 95  put Microsoft in a position of global domination. However, more than $ 300 million was spent on advertising the system.

The commercials included, among other things, a snippet from The Rolling Stones and inserts from the popular comedian Jay Leno. The advertising paid off, and over the next few years, Microsoft's revenues have grown several times.

Windows 95 startup sound created by Brian Eno

Windows 95  opens with a distinctive sound. The legendary composer Brian Eno is responsible for its appearance.

As he recalls:

“Microsoft put it this way: we want a music video that is optimistic, thrilling, emotional, futuristic and blah blah blah. There was a whole list of adjectives, and at the very bottom there was a mention that this music should be ... 3.25 seconds. "

Brian Eno has prepared 84 proposals. Probably the majority of adult Windows users have heard the victory.

For seven years Microsoft dominated Apple in the smartphone market

Microsoft has been selling its smartphones and PDAs since the early 21st century and dominated the market for seven years. And then  Apple introduced the first iPhone and the situation changed dramatically.

Not Windows, but "Interface Manager"

While  Windows seems like a self-evident name, however, initially  Bill Gates wanted to call  Windows 1.0  (released in 1985) rather dimly -  Interface Manager.

It is not known what prompted him to change his mind - maybe the name is too formulaic? - but because of this, we do not use IF-10, IF-7, or IF XP systems today.

Microsoft's first hardware mouse

Microsoft Mouse or computer mouse from Microsoft was born in 1983.

Microsoft almost bought Sage

Before work began on the first  Xbox, Microsoft was on the verge of acquiring  SegaAt the time, the  Dreamcast console was at its peak and could be used by the Redmond company as a way to compete with Sony. However, Bill Gates lost his enthusiasm for this idea - apparently, he came to the conclusion that the Dreamcast has no chance compared to Play Station.

Steve Ballmer in the Windows 1.0 commercial

Bill Gates' eccentric heir has personally promoted Windows 1.0. This ad can be viewed here  - Ballmer is strangely associated with the seller of goods by mail. I wonder how Gates would have played this role?

Windows demo on floppy disk

In the 80s and 90s, floppy disks were in widespread use. First large - 5.25-inches, then 3.5-inches. Before the debut of the first  Windows,  Microsoft released a demo version of it on large floppy disks.

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