1. Honey bee
Let's start small. The bee does not seem to pose a serious
threat, and the most it can do is sting. But if we are talking about a swarm of
angry bees that will mistake a person for an enemy, then numerous bites can
lead to death due to the huge amount of toxin that bees throw out during an
attack. Three times more people die from bee stings per year than from the
venom of rattlesnakes.
2. Viper
The size of this snake often does not exceed 70 cm, but this does not mean its safety. Vipers have a very absurd disposition, and they really do not like to be disturbed. Anything that moves, they perceive as a threat to their lives, and therefore attack without delay. The viper bite is very painful and causes a strong burning sensation, in ad 12 most dangerous living beings in Russia for humans dition, the person experiences all the symptoms as in severe poisoning. A healthy person can tolerate a viper bite, but people with lung, kidney or heart disease often die without urgent medical attention, since the poison “hits” these organs very hard. Are you afraid of vipers? Breed the hedgehogs! They are the first enemies of these asps. By the way, about other dangerous snakes of Russia, we wrote in
3. Marten
At first glance, the marten is a cute and charming animal, but you should not think that the beast needs strength or poison to be in danger. Often, even small bites, through which deadly diseases such as rabies or plague, are transmitted, pose a threat to humans. Martens are very fearful, and it is very simple to identify a sick animal: he does not hide from a person, but on the contrary goes to him.
This red-haired beauty from Russian fairy tales is the
leader in Russia in the number of wild animals infected with rabies. It is
extremely dangerous to approach foxes, because after a bite it is required to
inject a rabies vaccine. In doing so, it is important to adhere to an
accurate vaccination schedule. I am glad that a purified vaccine is now
used and the course consists of 5 injections, and not 20-40, as in the Soviet
Union. But here, too, there are risks - if the vaccination schedule is not
followed, the disease can take its toll and a person has a few days
left. It is important to remember that the vaccine is not a panacea and it
can also cause side effects such as allergies, intoxication, and disruption of
the internal organs. Love foxes and find them beautiful? You are on
your way to the zoo, where you can see the beauties in a safe environment.
5. Sea Dragon
This is not a mythical creature from Japanese legends, but a
small fish. This inhabitant of the seas does not grow more than 40 cm and
looks harmless, but everything becomes clear when you recognize the second name
of the fish: sea scorpion. The fish have small thorns on their fins that
contain dangerous poison. Once in the bloodstream, the toxin causes severe
poisoning, convulsions, paralysis, and often death. The dragon is found in
the Black and Azov Seas, often burrowing into the coastal sand. That is
why people are advised to go into the sea in shale, so as not only to avoid
injury from sharp stones, but also not to step on the sea scorpion. By the
way, when heated, the scorpion venom loses its properties, and therefore if the
fish still gets to you, then find hot water as soon as possible and lower the bite
under it. About other fish, to which it is better not to swim close.
6. Wolf
It is unnecessary to talk about the danger of this beast, which loves to hunt
in a pack. Wolves inhabit the entire territory of Russia, and it is very
easy to meet them, especially in deep forests. Many people compare wolves
to large dogs, but remember that wolves are twice the size of the fattest and
fattest Labrador. They can attack suddenly, especially if a person
accidentally approached the lair with cubs. Wolves monitor the population
of elk and deer, and therefore they can deal with humans without much
difficulty. Unfortunately, in recent years, wolves have increasingly settled
near human settlements, attacking livestock. But wolves can be understood:
man is actively cutting down forests and greatly narrows the habitat of wild
7. Elk
Those who have seen moose only in pictures have little idea
of the
danger of these creatures. Elks can grow to significant sizes: length 3
meters, height 2.5 meters. This is the size of one wall in Khrushchev,
only this “forest wall” has horns and a stern temper. Usually moose try to
stay away from people, but they do not have a clear habitat, and animals can
even enter cities. Approaching an elk is dangerous, because it can count
you as an enemy and inflict some heavy blows. If you do not think moose
are dangerous, then remember bears: even they bypass moose a mile
away. Like all herbivores, moose are essential for nature to plow the land,
remove old grass, and spread new ones.
8. Boar
There is no animal more dangerous than an angry boar. They
do not know how to give up, lose or retreat, and any resistance only angers the
beast more. When searching for food, wild boars focus entirely on acorns,
roots and branches to pay attention to their surroundings. They will not
move away from a person, seeing him from afar, like brown bears, but will
simply ignore him until the person is too close to attack. Do you know
these guys who arrange a showdown anytime, anywhere? In the forest, these
are wild boars. The worst thing is that during an attack, the boar's
nervous system blocks pain points, and even wounds cannot stop the animal: it
will not feel pain until it reaches its main goal - it defeats the enemy.
9.Brown bear
Strength, claws, high speed and incredibly large size, because the weight of
the animal can reach 600 kg. Who wants to meet a bear? However, bears
rarely attack people, and more often they try to move farther into the forest
in order to completely avoid meeting a person. An exception can be made by
hunters, who themselves pursue the beast and can harm him and his cubs.
10. Amur tiger
One of the largest and most beautiful carnivores in
Russia. He hunts wild boars, roe deer and large herbivores. Like
brown bears, tigers try to avoid humans and human settlements, but they can
easily attack if a meeting with a person catches the animal in the midst of a
hunt or threatens offspring. A man has no chance against the beast, and
the ban on killing this rare animal threatens with a huge fine and
imprisonment, even if you managed to "get your feet away from
him." In the Siberian lands, there are amazing stories about the friendship of the tiger and
people, about which we wrote.
11. KaraKurt
This spider is called the steppe black widow, because it is
very dangerous. It is easy to meet him in warm steppe regions, for
example, in Astrakhan. One bite of such a spider can kill a camel, a
horse, and even more so a person. After half an hour, the poison will
completely spread throughout the body, but if you quickly seek medical help,
the antidote can save your life.
12. Mite
Starting with small creatures, we decided to end with them
too. People do not take ticks seriously, and in vain. These
arthropods are distant relatives of spiders, but they do not inject toxins when
they bite, but transmit dangerous diseases. One of the diseases is
encephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain, but at the same time it
proceeds very secretly and is not detected immediately, but when it is too late
to save a person. We talked about what to do if you are bitten by a tick
in this article.
Which of these dangerous creatures have you already met?