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Interesting facts about ice cream

 Invented back in time immemorial, this dessert is now popular in all countries, and not only in those where hot weather usually reigns. Ice cream is so different that you involuntarily wonder - how could anyone have come up with such a thing? However, it is better to try once than to read ten times.

Interesting facts about ice cream

Ice Cream Facts

  • It is not known for certain when exactly the first ice cream was invented, but judging by archaeological finds, it happened at least 4000 years ago, in ancient China.
  • The three most popular ice cream flavors in the world are vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.
  • In Russia, this dessert was prepared in winter by mixing milk with honey and freezing it in saucers.
  • In Mexico, hot ice cream is popular with the addition of chili peppers.
  • Waffle cones for this dessert were invented only in 1904. Cups appeared even later.
  • In Venezuela, in the city of Merida, a cafe has been operating since the 80s of the last century, offering visitors more than 850 varieties of ice cream. The list includes exotic ingredients such as carrots, tuna, beef, shrimp, tomatoes, pork, and more.
  • In the United States, the average per capita consumption of ice cream is about 20 kg per year - this is the first place in the world. In Russia, this figure is five times lower.
  • In Portugal, special ice cream for dogs is invented.
  • The world's most expensive ice cream can be bought at one of the New York restaurants. It is adorned with edible gold and costs $ 25,000 per serving.
  • Most of the calories are contained in ice cream made from cream according to a more or less traditional recipe.
  • When the deposed French emperor Napoleon was in exile on the island of Saint Helena, an apparatus for the production of this dessert was delivered to him.
  • In 2011, Canada created the world's largest ice cream cake, weighing almost 10 tons. It was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was very fond of ice cream. In one of his letters to Pleshcheev, he even complained that he had spent half of his fortune on him.
  • In Chile, in 2002, a street ice cream man was arrested who was building a loyal customer base in a very simple but illegal way - he added cocaine to his products.
  • One of the hobbies of Thomas Jefferson during his tenure as President of the United States was the invention of new varieties of ice cream.
  • Ice cream on a stick was invented by accident when an 11-year-old American boy left a glass of lemonade with a straw in it on the street in winter. Twenty years later, he remembered this incident and patented his invention.
  • A fair share of the density of this delicacy is air. Removing the air makes it as difficult to nibble on ice cream as biting off a piece of brick.
  • Professional tasters only use pure gold spoons when tasting ice cream, as this metal has no taste or smell.
  • Every year around the world consumed about 15 billion liters of this dessert.
  • Until the middle of the 19th century, only very rich people could eat ice cream. The first street ice cream maker was a Swedish immigrant who pulled a homemade refrigerator out into the street in London and began selling this delicacy for a modest amount to everyone.
  • Europe first learned about the existence of ice cream when Marco Polo returned from his long journey. He brought this recipe from China.
  • Former US President Bill Clinton regularly ate ice cream at night. Ka con himself admitted that if the thought of this dessert crossed his mind, he could not sleep until he fulfilled this desire of his.

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