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interesting facts about trash


interesting facts about trash
interesting facts about trash

  • The most common trash is cigarette butts. 4.500.000.000 pieces are thrown away annually
  • The average American throws out about 5,000 kilograms of trash annually.
  • Every year, 7 million tons of clothing are thrown away in the trash can, of which only 12% is recycled and reused.
  • Newspapers occupy the most space in the landfill.
  • Aluminum beer cans decompose in soil in 80 years on average
  • In 2007, the average household throws out twice as much garbage as it did 50 years ago.
  • San Francisco's special services are slated to recycle all discarded waste and re-produce in 2020
  • In 2002, astronauts cleaned up the International Space Station, collecting over 1,800 kilograms of debris. Part of it was sent back to Earth, and the rest was loaded onto an unmanned Russian rocket and burned in the atmosphere 1. Animal droppings - decomposition time 10-15 days

    The least harmful rubbish that can be seen on the streets of small towns and villages, however, it causes a lot of hassle for residents.

    2. Food waste - decomposition time 30 days

    Potato peelings, meat trimmings and anything that remains edible after cooking can be attributed to this type of garbage.

    3. Newsprint - decomposition period 1-4 months Before throwing the newspaper on the road, think that for another 4 months the inhabitants of your yard will admire the paper trampled into the mud.

    4. Leaves, seeds, twigs - decomposition period 3-4 months

    If the utilities did not clean up the natural garbage in the parks, then soon people would be walking through the mountains of branches and leaves.

    5. Cardboard boxes - decomposition period 3 months

    It is a completely harmless waste if you throw it in the trash cans.

    6. Office paper - decomposition period 2 years

    Yes, imagine. It's all about the composition and density: the paper is made precisely so that the documents printed on it can be stored for a long time, which, unfortunately, does not ignore the time of its decomposition.

    7. Boards - decomposition period 10 years

    Ordinary boards are used on construction sites. Of course, if they are not subject to any processing (for example, impregnation with fuel oil).

    8. Iron cans - decomposition period 10 years

    Like planks, stewed or condensed milk cans will rot in the ground for another 10 years after you throw them under a tree in the forest.

    9. Old shoes - decomposition period 10 years

    Here, of course, everything depends on the composition of the shoe and the degree of its wear and tear, but on average, leatherette shoes will decompose for a tenth of a century.

    10. Fragments of brick and concrete - decomposition time 100 years

    This is exactly the garbage that every developer prefers to bury under the playground in the courtyard of the house. Yes, and this is done quite often. Perhaps this is justified: after all, the "Stalinists" have already been standing for 80 years =)

    11. Autoaccumulators - decomposition period 100 years

    Such garbage, which is more profitable, of course, to hand over for recycling. Indeed, for 1 used battery (20-25 kg), you can save about 500 rubles.

    12. Foil - decomposition period over 100 years

    Yes, although the thickness of the sheet of iron is less than 0.5 mm, it is very strongly compressed. So don't throw away your meat packs on camping trips.

    13. Electric batteries - decomposition period 110 years

    Here, the decomposition time plays a role and the environmental damage that the lithium battery does when it oxidizes. Many charities fighting for the cleanliness of the planet offer to save up batteries so that they can come and take them from you later.

    14. Rubber tires - decomposition period 120-140 years

    Rubber is one of the most durable materials. Fortunately, when changing tires at a service station, most drivers leave their old ones as a gift, or for a symbolic price in the same place. And smart service holders hand over it later for processing.

    15. Plastic bottles - decomposition period 180-200 years

    Plastic is also highly dangerous and toxic, not to mention the fact that it is not very pleasant to look at the roadsides, strewn with empty plastic Coke bottles.

    16. Aluminum cans - decomposition period 500 years

    Almost the most dangerous trash. It decomposes for a long time, releases harmful substances during oxidation, prevails on our planet.

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