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Interesting facts about wolves

 Smart and hardy predators, wolves are widespread almost all over the world. A flock of these animals can pose a threat to any enemy, both humans and forest animals. But the natural habitat wolves are steadily declining due to the spread of humanity around the world, and in some regions the population of these forest orderlies continues to decline.

Interesting facts about wolves

Wolf facts

  • The hearing of these animals is incredibly sensitive. In open space, they are able to hear a more or less loud sound at a distance of 7-8 km, or even more.
  • It is common knowledge that wolves sometimes eat carrion. But they eat such unappetizing food only in times of famine, when they simply have no other prey.
  • Lone wolves are much less dangerous than a whole pack of these animals. And it's not just their number - wolves do not behave so boldly without relatives, and generally become very cautious.
  • Cubs in the first 4 months of life grow very quickly, increasing their mass during this time 20-30 times. In this case, the weight of a newborn wolf cub is usually about 500 grams.
  • Red wolves outwardly resemble foxes to such an extent that they are often confused with them
  • Wolves practically do not lend themselves to training, even if they were born in captivity and are accustomed to seeing people from childhood.
  • Wolf eyes in the dark can glow like a cat's. Of course, they do not glow by themselves - they are reflected light.
  • Without food, a wild wolf is quite capable of living up to 5-7 days.
  • Observant inhabitants of the regions where these animals are found in the wild have long noticed that for some reason wolves are afraid of the fabric fluttering in the wind.
  • These predators are monogamous. Almost always they are a couple of times and for life.
  • In old chronicles and books, there is a mention of modern Irish territories under the name "Wolf Land". Once upon a time there were really a huge number of wolves, but now they are almost gone.
  • Due to the peculiarities of their size and shape, wolf teeth are rarely able to quickly kill prey, therefore, any deer driven by a wolf pack is usually eaten alive.
  • The polar wolf is able to survive in such harsh climatic conditions that the vast majority of other mammals would not last even a few days there.
  • It was wolves that became the first species of animals that came under the protection of the law.
  • They usually do not like to swim, but they know how to do it well. An adult wolf is able to swim across any wide river or even a bay, having covered a dozen or two kilometers on the water.
  • Being hungry, an adult wolf is able to absorb up to 8-10 kg of food at a time.
  • At first, newborn cubs remain blind and deaf.
  • The relationship between humans and wolves began a long time ago. They were well known to primitive hunters - some rock paintings depicting these animals for about 20,000 years.
  • More recently, there were unique marsupial wolves that lived in Tasmania, an island belonging to Australia. But the last of them died in the last century. Now Australian scientists are trying to revive the species by cloning using DNA extracted from alcohol-containing samples.
  • Black wool in wolves is the result of a mutation caused by crossing them with dogs. Moreover, black wolves are found only in North America.
  • A wolf pack can include up to 3-4 tens of adults.

  • These animals are really very hardy. They are nocturnal, and a flock can walk up to 70-80 km per night.
  • If two packs of wolves meet, it often leads to a fight for territory. Moreover, only the leaders fight, and the losing flock resignedly leaves, leaving the hunting grounds for the flock of winners.
  • The leader always goes ahead of the wolf pack, his tail lifted high.
  • The brain volume of a wolf is on average 25-30% larger than that of a dog's brain.
  • The officially registered weight record for an adult wolf is 86 kg.
  • These animals are able to jump 4-5 meters in height.
  • Their fur is interesting because it has two layers. The inner layer retains heat, while the outer one repels moisture and prevents water from wetting the inner one.
  • The coat color of these predators directly depends on their habitat. In the desert it will be yellowish or brown, in the forest it will be gray, and in the polar regions it will be white.
  • When running, wolves are capable of speeds up to 60-65 km / h.
  • On average, the area of ​​the hunting grounds of one wolf pack is from 30 to 60 square kilometers. But if there is little prey, the flock is removed from its familiar place and leaves.
  • Wolves are listed in the International Red Book.
  • The eyes of newborn wolf cubs are blue. They turn yellow later, after a few months.
  • The offspring of the leader and his pair are usually raised by the whole flock.
  • When a wolf pack goes to hunt, the cubs usually remain under the protection of the younger members of the pack, individuals who could be called adolescents.
  • Jackals and coyotes are related species to wolves.
  • Attempts to develop new breeds of dogs, crossing these animals with wolves, have been made several times. In total, three successful breeds have been registered in the world.
  • In the wild, hybrids of wolves and dogs, wolf dogs, are also sometimes found. They are not afraid of people, unlike wolves, but at the same time they are strong, like large dogs.
  • Wolves rarely attack people in the wild. Moreover, most often it is the animals with rabies that attack. Healthy wolves usually prefer to bypass humans.
  • Their sense of smell is about many times sharper than that of humans. Wolves can smell the smell at a distance of 15-20 km.

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